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Dental Dread: 3 Ways Aging Impacts Your Smile

November 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — parkwayvistadental @ 5:17 pm
Older woman with white hair in dental chair smiling at dentist

It can be difficult to accept, but our bodies go through many changes as we age, and our teeth are no exception. Whether your grin looks dark and dingy, out of shape, or somewhat crooked, dental problems can leave you looking older than you feel. Fortunately, your dentist can set the clock back by enhancing your appearance with cosmetic dentistry. Keep reading to learn more about 3 of the ways your smile transforms with age, and how your dentist can help.

Change #1: Discoloration

Even the healthiest teeth start to appear yellow later in life after years of consuming staining foods and beverages. It’s tempting to stop by the store to pick up an over-the-counter whitening kit, but you may come to regret it. Many commercially available products use whitening agents known to be harsh on your pearly whites and cause sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.

Thankfully, your dentist has access to professional-grade whitening ingredients that get better results without creating discomfort. Whether you stop by for an in-office session or request a take-home kit using the same high-quality ingredients, you can more safely lighten your teeth by going to your dentist, first.

Change #2: Worn Down Enamel

Though tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the human body, it is not entirely impervious to harm. After a lifetime of usage, this protective outer layer will naturally be thinner than it once was. Your teeth are much more likely to chip or break as a result.

Your dentist, however, can rebuild and reshape them using cosmetic bonding. During this quick and non-invasive procedure, they’ll apply a tooth-colored composite resin over your flawed tooth and sculpt it to the ideal shape. It’s then hardened into place with a special curing light and can last 10+ years with the right care, making it a simple but effective solution.

Change #3: Shifting Positions

Though we tend to think of our teeth as permanent and immovable objects, they continue to shift in our mouths over time. Repetitive motions from talking and chewing over the years applies pressure on them in different ways and can eventually push them out of their usual places. That means that even if you’ve historically always had a perfectly straight smile in your youth, that might not be the case anymore!

Your dentist can address minor gaps or slightly crooked teeth with porcelain veneers. These resilient ceramic shells are no thicker than a contact lens and are bonded to the front of your teeth to cover imperfections. They’re coated with a glaze that’s strong enough to resist staining and chipping which shields your pearly whites from potential injury down the road. That makes them a beautiful as well as a functional cosmetic fix.

By improving your smile, your dentist can help you restore a more youthful visage!

About the Author

Dr. Bita Kamali has over 20 years of dedicated experience in oral healthcare and believes that continuing education is essential to helping patients build the lives they deserve. She studied at the University of Texas in Dallas for her undergraduate degree, then completed the dental hygiene program as well as her dental doctorate at Baylor College of Dentistry. She provides a full range of services all under one roof, including cosmetic dentistry. If you’d like a smile makeover, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (972) 818-1300.