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Affordable Options to Visit Your Dentist in Plano

March 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — parkwayvistadental @ 11:20 pm

dental insurance formBesides your home oral hygiene habits, the American Dental Association recommends you visit your dentist at least twice a year to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Dental insurance makes it easy to get the care you need. Now, over 77% of Americans have dental benefits; however, one-third of adults still did not see their dentist yearly. Not to mention, less than 3% of Americans meet or exceed their annual benefits. Often, many people do not visit their dentist in Plano because they do not understand how their insurance works, or they do not have coverage. No matter the reason, you have many options to get the affordable care you need for a healthy smile.


Our In-House Savings Plan

May 28, 2018

Man doing dental insurance research on computerAt Parkway Vista Dental, we are dedicated to removing the stress from every trip to the dentist. Price is one of the leading causes of anxiety patients associate with dental visits. Unfortunately, not every employer offers dental insurance as part of their benefit package anymore, and even if they do, the coverage isn’t always what patients hope it will be. If you’re in this situation, we invite you to consider our in-house savings plan. This is an affordable alternative to traditional dental insurance for many of our patients. If you have questions about the in-house plan, read this informative post or schedule an appointment in our Plano dental office. Our knowledgeable dentistry team will be happy to discuss coverage specifics and help you determine whether or not the in-house plan is the right option for your dental care needs.