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My Dental Bridge Is Falling Down, My Fair Lady; What Should I Do Now?

December 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — parkwayvistadental @ 12:08 am
Lady looks shocked

Dental bridges have allowed many people to enjoy the benefits of a full smile after tooth loss, but while they are made from durable materials, they are not invincible. A dental bridge can break or fall out for a variety of reasons, and it’s crucial to see your dentist for repairs as soon as possible when this happens. Here’s what you should do after losing a dental bridge so you can get the help you need and stay comfortable while avoiding further injury until your appointment.

Why Did My Dental Bridge Fall Out?

Dental bridges are sets of several sequential artificial teeth, and they are typically anchored by dental crowns attached to two teeth on either side of an empty space in the smile. However, they can sometimes be held in place by dental implants, resulting in a sturdier hold.

There are a variety of circumstances that can cause a dental bridge to fall out. A few of these are:

Broken teeth

Dental bridges are usually held in place by dental crowns attached to two teeth. If these teeth become injured or decayed, they can break, causing the dental bridge to lose its hold and come loose or fall out.

Misaligned bite

If the dental bridge is not placed so that the pressure of chewing is distributed evenly across the teeth, one area of the bridge can bear more force than the rest of it. This uneven pressure can cause the dental bridge to break.

What Should I Do When My Dental Bridge Falls Out?

The first order of business is to secure the lost bridge and store it in a safe, clean place. You should then call your dentist to explain the situation and schedule an appointment for repairs. The office will probably provide you with instructions to follow until then, and it’s best to follow these instructions as closely as possible. Avoid chewing with the affected area. If you experience any discomfort, over-the-counter pain medications should help you manage it until you can get to the dentist’s office.

About the Practice

Parkway Vista Dental serves the community of Plano, TX with excellent oral health services. Led by Dr. Bita Kamali, the staff tends to each patient’s particular needs in a clean and welcoming environment. Areas of expertise include general, cosmetic, emergency, and restorative dentistry such as dental bridges. If your dental bridge has come loose or fallen out, dial (972) 818-1300 or contact the office online.